The Big Picture with Apache Superset: Data Exploration and Building Your First Dashboard

Gatha Varma, PhD
8 min readMar 31, 2022


Everything you need to know about getting the best out of Apache Superset

Apache Superset plays many vital roles in machine learning model development. Firstly, it enables the visualization of large datasets that conventional libraries like Pandas and Numpy could not do. This is a significant benefit as machine learning engineers (ML engineers) find data exploration an integral part of the Machine learning model lifecycle (ML model lifecycle or ML lifecycle). Secondly, you can build interactive dashboards that hold answers to all the questions a viewer might have about a business problem. You can also decide if Superset should save computed values like SUM or COUNT and display them as separate items on a dashboard. This is helpful flexibility that a good data visualization tool should offer. To know more about the roles played by Apache Superset among MLOps tools, model development, and its strengths as compared to other tools, please read the Apache Superset Review.

Recommended Reading: Learn more about Superset

Setting up Superset on your machine

While Superset can be used on a local machine, sharing the developed web page is easier when you work on the cloud. So firstly, please install Docker Engine and Docker Compose if not done already.

Superset can be sourced either from GitHub or the PyPi distribution.

  • git clone
  • cd superset
  • docker-compose -f docker-compose-non-dev.yml up
  • Dependencies can be installed by the command, sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev python-pip libsasl2-dev libldap2-dev
  • pip install — upgrade setuptools pip to upgrade pip and prevent any version-caused errors
  • export FLASK_APP=superset
  • pip install superset
  • Now following common steps will create the admin user, upgrade the Superset database connection, optionally load some examples when Superset is launched, initialize default user roles and privileges, and start the Superset server on port 8088
  • fabmanager create-admin — app superset
  • superset db upgrade
  • superset load_examples (Optional)
  • superset init
  • superset run -p 8088 — with-threads — reload -debugger

Once installed and running, you can open http://localhost:8088/superset to access the Superset client.

The login page to get started with Apache Superset. Source: The author

Common issues faced during the set-up

Just because something is not happening for you right now does not mean that will never happen- An inspirational quote.

If you have encountered a web page that does not look like the above image, please read on.

  • The login screen does not load or shows ‘Error 500’
  • The absence of the login screen means that the Superset server has not started. Please check the logs and command line. You might need to install required libraries like Flask.
  • The welcome page is not displayed after logging in with the created username. This issue could happen because the Docker engine had not started, or Docker Compose is still building the requisite views for the first time.
A broken welcome page that you can address using our tips. Source: The author

It is suggested to wait for 5 minutes before refreshing the page, and if the error persists, then you may try troubleshooting through any of these steps:

  • Please stop and restart the Docker engine by running docker-compose down -v followed by docker-compose up
  • The default Superset port 8088 may be in use by another application. If the application is a hanging process, kill it and try again. Otherwise, please stop the superset run command and fire it with a different port number by using the flag -p.

Once you have logged in, the screen will look like this for the first time.

A typical welcome page to get started you started with Apache Superset. Source: The author

‍On clicking the Superset, you can view your profile and activities.

A look at your Apache Superset profile and activities. Source: The author

You can explore other options through the tabs like Security, Manage, Sources, Charts, Dashboards, and SQL Lab. Let us now go through each tab and get you familiar with data exploration on Superset.

The various sections of Apache Superset. Source: The author

While the Security tab offers options to create and manage users and modify their permissions, the Sources tab lets you add databases and configure tables.

Database instances and Tables on Superset

Superset will let you access the databases and tables you have added or shared with. The third option would allow you directly upload a CSV file.

The Sources section lets you add hosted databases, tables, or even upload a CSV file. Source: The author

Let us first make an example database to get started with data exploration. You can choose any database that can be interfaced with the SQLAlchemy connector, such as MySQL, SQLite, PostgresSQL, Snowflake, MongoDB, etc. You may also install SQLAlchemy connectors for other databases. For instance, if you wish to work with BigQuery, you need to install pybigquery package from PyPI distribution or cxoracle package to connect with an Oracle database.

The various options that Apache Superset offers during the addition of a database instance. Source: The author

You can give any unique name to the database instance to be added. The following field specifies the SQLAlchemy URI. By default, it is sqlite.////’path to superset db’. For the case of BigQuery, you will need to select a URI of the form bigquery://. The connection can be tested to check if the correct URI has been added. If the link is fine, a ‘Seems OK’ pop-up message will be displayed; otherwise, an error log would give you more information.

Further options let you customize database access. The added database instances can be viewed, edited, and deleted from the Databases section. Also, you can add a new record through the addition button.

An easily-accessible add button to quickly initiate the addition of a record. Source: The author

An added database instance can be modified later through the edit option, which will result in such a view:

A database instance on Apache Superset can be easily changed in the future. Source: The author

Data exploration on Superset

Now let us explore a time series and see how running queries and plotting charts is easy with Superset. For this Apache Superset tutorial, we made an instance of SQLite database and named it CensiusExample.

Uploading a CSV file to Apache Superset. Source: The author

‍To this database, we will upload a CSV file containing household electric power consumption measured in Sceaux, a city in France. The upload of this file to Superset also offers additional options.

The various options that Apache Superset offers while uploading a CSV file. Source: The author

‍The upload form offers customization options to specify other delimiters, skip particular rows and columns, etc. Since the dataset is a time series, you should also select the Date and Time fields to be parsed as the date and enable the inference of the datetime format.

The parsing of temporal fields can be explicitly communicated to Apache Superset during the CSV upload. Source: The author

SQL queries and result visualization

The uploaded file can now be explored and queried in the SQL Editor under the SQL Lab section. The selected database and table will look like this in the editor:

The SQL Editor allows browsing and querying of the records on Apache Superset. Source: The author

Let us run a small query to shortlist global intensity, i.e., the minute-averaged current intensity in amperes, for the households that consumed minute-averaged active power below the average value.

The results of a simple query are viewed in tabular form. Source: The author

The query results can be exported to a new CSV file or copied to the clipboard. You have the numbers, but plots give a better meaning to them. We can visualize the same through the Explore option.

The option to view the results of a query as visualizations. Source: The author

‍The visualization page will look like this:

The results of a query are in the form of visualizations. Source: The author

You can also change the plot style to view different representations. For instance, let us visualize the above results as bar charts or trend lines.

You can choose different charts to view the results. Source: The author
The query results in the form of bar charts. Source: The author
The query results in the form of trend lines. Source: The author

Additionally, you can modify the time granularity and other filters to get more informative charts.

The query results are shown as month-wise trends. Source: The author
The query results are shown as week-wise trends. Source: The author

What’s more? You can change the look and feel of the plots to suit your preference.

The availability of a color palette to customize the charts. Source: The author

Building your first Superset dashboard

The most significant advantage offered by Apache Superset is the ease of building dashboards. Let us build a Superset example dashboard for power consumption measurements from houses in Sceaux. A newly created dashboard will look like this:

A freshly created dashboard on Apache Superset. Source: The author

There are two methods of adding charts to a Superset dashboard. The first is to import an already constructed chart as we did for the query run in SQL Editor. Please open the specific chart and save it as a part of the dashboard to import it.

Importing an existing chart to the dashboard. Source: The author

Another way of adding a chart to the dashboard is to create a new one in the Charts section.

Addition of a record to create a new chart for the dashboard. Source: The author
Creation of a new chart for the dashboard. Source: The author

The newly created chart can be added to the dashboard by the save option as in the first case.

Editing the dashboard

We have made a dashboard that shows the trends and some pie charts.

A chaotic dashboard is much in need of some organization. Source: The author

It is clear that the dashboard requires re-organization and can be done by selecting the Edit Dashboard option above the charts display area. The component charts can be moved around through drag and drop to reduce the clutter and create a better-looking board.

The Edit function for the dashboard to modify and organize it. Source: The author
The drag-and-drop function organizes the dashboard. Source: The author

Save the changes to get a dashboard that looks like this:

A customized dashboard with neatly arranged elements. Source: The author

Your dashboard for power consumption measurements of houses in Sceaux is ready, but your team still cannot view it. To do so, please publish the dashboard. Please check the status displayed beside the dashboard name to check if the dashboard has been published.

An option to publish the dashboard and share it with the team. Source: The author

The example dashboard is now ready to be viewed by the team.

Our first dashboard on Apache Superset. Source: The author

Thank you for reading. We look forward to seeing some beautiful visualizations and dashboards that you will create from the takeaways of this Apache Superset tutorial.

Originally published at



Gatha Varma, PhD
Gatha Varma, PhD

Written by Gatha Varma, PhD

Reseach Scientist @Censius Inc. Find more of my ramblings at:

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